ETH Signer
Sign & Recover Messages.
Using an Ethereum Wallet.
Verify Yourself using your ETH Wallet.
Sometimes, DApps might ask you to sign a message in your wallet to prove that you have access to the private key/the funds and aren’t someone acting fraudulently.
ETH Signer can help you in testing the major types of authentication via wallet signature requests & makes it easy to prove you own that account just by signing a piece of data with your private key.
An open-ended signing method that allows signing an arbitrary hash
eth_sign method can be used to sign transactions, or any other data, making it a dangerous phishing risk. Hence, its discouraged to use this method in production.
Same semantics as eth_sign but also accepts a password
The private key used to sign the hash is temporary unlocked in the scope of the request.
personal_recover, returns the address for the account that created the signature.
The original state-channel-centric signing method
signTypedData_v1 method also known as signTypedData, originally premiered October 2017, is human readable, cheap to verify on chain and hard to phish signatures.
Most secure method for signing cheap-to-verify data on-chain
The method signTypedData_v3 currently represents the latest version of the EIP-712 spec, making it the most secure method for signing cheap-to-verify data on-chain.
Like signTypedData_v3 with added support for arrays
The method signTypedData_v4 currently represents the latest version of the EIP-712 spec, with added support for arrays and with a breaking fix for the way structs are encoded.
Use your ETH Wallet to Instantly Test & Verify The Signatures.
Custom Input Supported.
Easily Prove your access to the wallet.
Check signature and message after signing.
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